Awareness Lecture Titled "The X Chromosome in the Dock" in Al Ain University


The Deanship of Students Affairs at the Al Ain University, based in Abu Dhabi, in cooperation with the Association of Genetic Diseases, organized an awareness lecture titled "The X Chromosome in the Dock", presented by Dr. Maryam Matar, Founder President of the Emirates Society for Genetic Diseases. The talk was attended by members of the academic and administrative bodies and a routine of university scholars.

The talk offered a comprehensive definition of the Emirates society for genetic diseases and effective part in cutting the spread and impact of genetic disorders in the UAE.

The doctor also gave a detailed definition of genetic diseases and the factors affecting it as a consanguineous style of living and the environment, as well as the common genetic diseases such as cancer and genetic blood diseases and  gene dementia. She ultimately spoke of the country’s support for the Genetic Disease Association.


Categories: AAU

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