Al Ain University honors its football players for winning first place in Inter-university sports League

Prof. Amer Qasem (AAU Vice President) and Dr. Noha Hamada (Deputy Dean of Student Affairs), and Vice Deans of Colleges honored the players of Al Ain University football team (Abu Dhabi Campus) for winning the first place at the level of Abu Dhabi for the fourth time, with the participation of eight universities in Abu Dhabi.

Prof. Amer Qasem (AAU Vice President) gave a speech, in which he commended the efforts made by the team players and coaches from the administrative staff who provided all their cooperation and determination in the Abu Dhabi Universities Sports League competitions in the 2022-2023 football championship.

Dr. Noha Hamada, Deputy Dean of Student Affairs, spoke about the importance of sports and extracurricular activities, which contribute to refining the talents and personality of students. I would like to thank all team members for their efforts and wonderful teamwork. These consecutive victories were not only the result of individual talents, but also due to the high sportsmanship and the strong cooperation between the team members.


Categories: Honors Sports

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