Breastfeeding Awareness Talk at AAU

Breastfeeding Awareness Talk at AAUThe AAU Deanship of Student Affairs, in cooperation with the College of Pharmacy, organized an awareness lecture on the importance of breastfeeding on the occasion of the International Day of Action for Women's Health. Dr. Ghalia Khader, faculty member at the college of Pharmacy, delivered the talk which attracted an audience from students, female staff, and the general public.

Dr. Ghalia referred to the disadvantages and risks of mixing formula and breastfeeding as that may contribute to reducing the mother’s milk with time. She highlighted that a mother needs to start breastfeeding her child from birth until the age of two. She also mentioned that weaning begins at the age of six months when the mother starts introducing food gradually into the baby’s diet; nevertheless, weaning does not in any way mean giving up breastfeeding altogether.


Categories: AAU

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