Science Festival Communicators Honored at Ceremony

Science Festival Communicators Honored at CeremonyIn collaboration with the Abu Dhabi Science Festival Management, Al Ain University honored the AAU students who participated as science communicators during the 3rd Abu Dhabi Science Festival (ADSF) that took place in November 2013. The ceremony was held at AAU’s Abu Dhabi campus in the presence of Prof. Abdelhafid Belarbi, AAU Vice president, and Mr. Mohammad bin Breik, ADSF Representative and member of the Abu Dhabi Technology Development Committee (TDC).

On this occasion, Dr. Zuhrieh Shana’a, Deputy Dean of Student Affairs, stated that the Deanship of Student Affairs seeks to realize the AAU’s vision and objectives when it comes to community engagement. Accordingly, the deanship has launched several activities and has regularly participated in key societal events one of which was the ADSF 2013.

 “Today we celebrate the participating students, salute their enlightened minds, and appreciate all efforts made to harmoniously combine academic work and community engagement. Our hearts welcome you and esteem your fruitful effort that has contributed to the outstanding success of the ADSF,” Dr. Shana’a added.


Categories: AAU

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