The Deanship of Student Affairs decorated in pink on the occasion of the Breast Cancer Awareness Month


Within a brightly pink atmosphere spread all over the place, The Deanship of Student Affairs at Al Ain University –Al Ain Campus- organized the “Pink October” event on the occasion of the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, under the supervision of Dr. Ibtehal Aburezeq - Dean of Student Affairs. Where the deanship invented a competition called "Pink Month” for the most beautiful cupcakes in pink and the most beautiful decorated table in pink color. The participants were a group of female university students who had created distinct and different ideas, which included awareness brochures about breast cancer, how to treat it and discover it, as well as incentive banners to fight the disease, and the sweetest part was the pink homemade cupcake.

Commenting on the event, the Dean of Student Affairs expressed her happiness in the pink atmosphere and organizing such efficiency events which commensurate with an important event in the community, she also stressed on the need of being strong to face and fight the Breast Cancer disease and wishing all the health and safety.

At the end of the event, they choose the top three winners of the competition for the most beautiful pink cupcake and the most beautiful decorative pink table, the Deanship presented the gifts and appreciation certificates, as well as they, took a group photo. 


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