Blood Donation Campaign at Al Ain University


Over three days, the Deanship of Student Affairs at Al Ain University – Al Ain Campus- organized a “Blood Donation Campaign” in collaboration with the “Blood Bank”, in participation with number of students, academic and administrative staffs, where the initiative aims to strength communication and collaboration in the society and to encourage students to participate in volunteering and charity work.

Commenting on this, Dr. Ibtehal Aburezeq –Dean of Student Affairs- said that the campaign has come under the university’s keen to participate in various social activities and aims to enhance awareness among students about the importance of participating actively in community issues.

Moreover, organizing this campaign comes in the framework of strengthening the university's responsibility towards the community and in line with its role in humanitarian aid and assistance to the patients and the hospitals that need lots of transfused blood units necessary to support different kinds of surgical operations.


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