The Deanship of Student Affairs Organizes a Workshop on Planning Skills

The Deanship of Student Affairs/ Abu Dhabi Campus has partnered with Pioneer Way to host a workshop entitled “How to plan for your future and implement what you plan” which is aimed at helping students plan for their future. Led by a certified trainer, Coach Asmaa Al-Hosani, the workshop provided attendees with valuable insights into goal-setting and effective planning strategies.

The workshop covered a range of topics, including the skills necessary for success in both the job market and personal life, and how to develop these skills to become a more influential member of society. Coach Al-Hosani also discussed the importance of setting SMART goals, which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. With these guidelines in mind, students can better identify the steps they need to take in order to reach their goals.


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